Where are you? You were always a beautiful word, even for me – always sceptical and never even flirted with law school. But you still sounded hopeful: if the things didn’t work out the way they should, it is ok because I can wait for your word, a wise word of a fair agreement and that would be enough to redeem at least most of the previous sufferings. But I waited and waited in the same way they did. In the same way many people do. Some people wait in their houses, with tears in their eyes and fear in their veins. Some others wait behind bars, behind actual bars without knowing what exactly put them there. Some people are willing to see you. Some people would rather wait longer for your arrival. But we all wait. And sometimes I don’t know what we are really waiting for. I wonder if things are just the way they should be and we have no other choice but to adjust to that. I fear about the consequences if we keep looking for you and making others feel uncomfortable about our constant search. You should know that they threat and in worse cases put in jail, who knows what else, to the ones who looks for you. I think it is because they are hiding you, somewhere. I think it is because they have restricted all access we could have to get to you. But maybe you don't really exist or neither of us have a clue about who you are, no matter how many times we use your name. Either way, I often ask that to myself: Where are you? Am I ever going to be able to find you? Please excuse me if I get way too over dramatic. Is just that today was a horrible day and you were terribly missed. I feel so sad because you are not around. I really wish you were here. And if you ever were, do not hesitate about at least trying to come back. (The picture was taking in February, during the last political campaign)