The Common Opossum (Latin Didelphis marsupialis), Venezuelan Spanish Rabipelado (Naked Ass) is one of the most common mammals you will see in Venezuela. This marsupial is a relative of the Virginia Opposum, but this is the Latino version, as you can see from the map.
These animals are as ugly as the night and look like a mutant rat but my dad used to eat them as a child, as most rural people did in Venezuela (and the US with the V. Oppossum) some decades ago. My aunt tells me they did not taste that bad, but I have to say the times I saw these animals in the wild I was not hungry at all.
These animals are as ugly as the night and look like a mutant rat but my dad used to eat them as a child, as most rural people did in Venezuela (and the US with the V. Oppossum) some decades ago. My aunt tells me they did not taste that bad, but I have to say the times I saw these animals in the wild I was not hungry at all.