Caracas es Caracas y lo demás monte y culebra

I am not sure whether I got this right, and this late, but it seems that the suspension of electrical rationing is ONLY in Caracas.  If this is indeed true then we are in front of a MAJOR political mistake of Chavez.  So far through Google news I do find that indeed, from AFP to Tribuna Latina, Chavez has said last night, HE SAID!, that Caracas was off but the rationing continues elsewhere in Venezuela!

With this Chavez demonstrates that his regime has become as Caracas centered as the "ancien regime" to which, AFTER ELEVEN (11) YEARS IN OFFICE, he still tries to pin all of his very own mistakes and incompetence.

Of course, we the provincial victims are not going to take this lightly.  We are already upset enough that Caracas gets much more than the rest proportionally but one thing is that it happens another to be so blatantly insulting about it.

We have a saying in Venezuela, used in different ways and that is the title of this post.  Pejoratively Caraqueños use it to say that we in the province are just a bunch of hicks "Caracas is Caracas and the rest is scrub-land and snakes".  Monte can mean anything from jungle to overgrown backyard, your pick according to how offensive you wish to be.  On the other hands we use that saying to blame Caraqueños AND the government from their arrogance. 

If Chavez persists in such attitudes, he so sure footed about the province feelings until recently, then I cannot tell you how much damage this could do to him.  As an example on how exhausted and out of touch the regime has become I can hardly think of a better image than Chavez publicly favoring Caracas over the Province at La Hojilla of all places!