Ideas for democracy, books instead of Kalashnikovs and more

The Mesa de la Unidad (Unity Table or ignonimiously MUD in its Spanish acronym) has finally made available a contact form and email in order to receive suggestions from us all. That's cool.

I would like to ask you to send your ideas for the sustainable development of Venezuela and for the attainment of democracy and justice in Venezuela to their address here.

One of the ideas I had: guarantee by law that every child in Venezuela can borrow all textbooks s/he needs and get enough notebooks from the school. We can use the money Chavismo 's 21 Century "Socialism" is using right now for submarines and Kalashnikovs. At this moment in Venezuela you have to pay a worker's salary to get the books and notebooks of two children. The real cost for those books actually is very affordable, we just need some competition, transparency, public tender and the money we are wasting now in toys for the milicos.

GDP growth for the last quarter in several Latin American countries (source: latest The Economist). Venezuela's indeed very red.