Chavez public confession that he is not a democrat: consider yourself told once and for all

Yesterday Chavez was campaigning in Maracay, violating several rules of the electoral law.  Among them is that a public official cannot campaign actively during the official campaign.  Another one is that it is forbidden to use national symbols: Chavez does not drop anymore his Venezuelan flag jacket.  There is a video you could see for that in this Minister of Communication page (they say it, they post it, it is not me making this up).

It is not that Chavez says absolutely directly without a doubt that he will not recognize the result if September 26 if unfavorable to his side, but all the implications of his words, his attitude and his tone betray him exactly as his real sectarian nature was betrayed when he refused to send funds to the hospital Perez de Leon in Petare.

From El Universal today we have these choice words:

"Ese es nuestro plan, aquí no está planteado acuerdo alguno con la burguesía traidora, con esta oposición apátrida" This is our plan [radicalizing the revolution], there is no plan whatsoever to reach an agreement with the treasonous bourgeoisie, with this fatherland-less (?) opposition.

There you have it, the opposition can win whatever it wants to win, the revolution goes on.