Capriles is a Catholic. His mother was a Jew and his father came from a Curaçao Jewish family. I think they became Catholic but I don't care a fig, that should be irrelevant. Anyway: the anti-Semitic attacks from the Chávez "revolutionaries" against Capriles have taken a new turn since yesterday. Below you have some tweets.
"May God free us from a Jew as president"
"How ignorant those who want to elect a Jew""Capriles, a Jew, persecutor of Chavez supporters and raider of embassies is the one who pretends to become president of this country? Fuck off"
"Capriles not only ultra-right and fascist, he is also Jew, surprise, surprise, how disgusting this lackey opposition"
Que ignorancia es de quienes creen apoyar a un judío comocapriles"
Capriles. un judío, perseguidor d chavistas y saqueador de embajadas es quien #pretende gobernar éste país. No me jodan
Capriles aparte de ultra derechista y fascista es judío para variar q asco esta oposición lacaya