When the French Left infiltrates the Venezuelan election

First, let me tell you that if ANY political party in the world were to to support Capriles political activities the way the "Front de Gauche" is supporting chavismo, we would hear screams up high in the skies (and see a few expulsions probably).

Below a few links from special envoys from France Front de Gauche (payed by France or Caracas, inquiring minds want to know). You need to understand French of course, but you also need to understand that the Front de Gauche led by Melanchon did a poor score last April in French presidential election and that his own big mouthed leader, Melanchon, got properly trounced in legislative elections of June. They are thus bitter and Chavez campaign is a vicarious healing of sorts. Note: the French Socialists currently in office deal as little as possible with these guys.

First there is nothing short of scandalous: a special kit to support Chavez reelection. I mean, just think for a minute about something as meek as the Democratic party of the US of A writing a pamphlet in support of Capriles.... Well, it is not really scandalous, rather amusing if you ask me, even though its possible damages are quite real.

And blogs about envoys sent to participate   They seem to have arrived rather late and so entries are scarce, and rather self promotional if you ask me. You know, to polish your political image back home as having fought in the South American jungles for freedom, or the Caracas jungles if not, same difference.

Alexis Corbiere is a politcal writer, promoting his book asking for a return of Robespierre. Use your imagination as to what may be in the contents. If you read his first entry you find rather eye brow raising stuff.  But the best is when he complains that the press is almost all critical of Chavez, that the media are against the poor man. Well, as a writer had he bothered to read Correo del Orinoco or Vea he should have understood why not even chavistas pay for that crap. The rest is cliché ville.... Did he watch La Hojilla?

Another blog is an elected official of the Front de Gauche. He is there to glue posters in the streets, judging from his first picture. But Francois Delapierre had higher fish to find and he found himself in the studios of Telesur. I can deduct from his writing that he had for them all the cliches they so crave. Hook, bait and sink, from 2002 to today.

And there is Corinne Morel, another elected offical, whose blog means "where the green peas are red". Need I say more?