Then he gives a quick look at his paintings like he shouldn't be doing that at all and tells me all of the sudden: "Do you know what happened to Prof. García?...
He was killed during the weekend and Abelardo (his son) was hurt. I went to his funeral yesterday..." It all comes quickly back to my mind. I never met personally Prof García but by the constant comment and stories from the friends I have from the Philosophy school, I know he taught political philosophy and was very appreciated among his students.
Prof. García (according to my friend' story) was killed for committing the sin of trying to run away with his car from a thief. The thief apparently went mad about this not so nice act and discharged his gun against the car, causing the professor' death in the process; making him know - way too late - that you can't possible run away from the bullets since they are always faster than you.
Its Monday and a friend of mine opens his long expected art exhibit at campus, and speaks to an audience like me - unaware of the latest events or that they probably heard the news and did not pay attention to the details because we hear stories like that one a lot. He dedicates his paintings to his professor as he tries to paint a half smile on his face. The routine applause of this kind of events gives him the sign that life must continue.