When you think on a post about inflation, you inmediately drag yourself into a harsh economical analysis about prices, cost, increases, breakdowns with graphs to make the explanation a bit "eassier" and so on. But this blogger has only a very basic knowledge on economy, given by two and a half years of classes on which she hardly paid any attention to. Therefore, this blogger can't show you any graphs, can't give you numbers or estimations made of her own but what she can really do is to tell you how does inflaction feels at the streets, between normal people who are more likely to ignore what does those numbers really mean.
As amazing as it sounds, because of living in a country that has a pretty serious issue with high inflaction rather since I was born... almost; I was never affected by it directly. The kids more often than not ignore whats behind the family budget. I only knew when we were more comfortable and when we were less but my parents never gave me any reasons farther than "this is too expensive, we can't afford it now".
So no, it was not because I'm reach but because for most part, the money I used wasn't a money made of my own but borrowed from my parents or from a scholarship. Everything changes when you get to a more adult phase of your life and start working and making money of your own.
And then, that paycheck you get every 15 days or so, that justify the days coming home at dark and leaving at dawn; comes to you as a special price, as a reference to make some plans on how to spend it, how to save it, even how to invest it.
Months later, sometimes even just weeks later, the job continues same as usual, the palns and dreams continues and the paycheck does to: the exact same number on a cute check month after month. You soon realize that only your possibilities have change. Even with the adjustments made two times a year to make your salary more realistic to the actual prices it is never enough. The prices have a different rhytm, a far more faster one. You soon realize that this salary you got it might sound pretty to the people whose minds are not yet ajusted to the new prices ("Is it really thaaat expensive?") but its really nothing.
You finished your career in a prestigious university, started a terrific job, starting making money and yet, the distance from your dreams and expectations was never this big.
PS: Thanks for the corrections
As amazing as it sounds, because of living in a country that has a pretty serious issue with high inflaction rather since I was born... almost; I was never affected by it directly. The kids more often than not ignore whats behind the family budget. I only knew when we were more comfortable and when we were less but my parents never gave me any reasons farther than "this is too expensive, we can't afford it now".
So no, it was not because I'm reach but because for most part, the money I used wasn't a money made of my own but borrowed from my parents or from a scholarship. Everything changes when you get to a more adult phase of your life and start working and making money of your own.
And then, that paycheck you get every 15 days or so, that justify the days coming home at dark and leaving at dawn; comes to you as a special price, as a reference to make some plans on how to spend it, how to save it, even how to invest it.
Months later, sometimes even just weeks later, the job continues same as usual, the palns and dreams continues and the paycheck does to: the exact same number on a cute check month after month. You soon realize that only your possibilities have change. Even with the adjustments made two times a year to make your salary more realistic to the actual prices it is never enough. The prices have a different rhytm, a far more faster one. You soon realize that this salary you got it might sound pretty to the people whose minds are not yet ajusted to the new prices ("Is it really thaaat expensive?") but its really nothing.
You finished your career in a prestigious university, started a terrific job, starting making money and yet, the distance from your dreams and expectations was never this big.
PS: Thanks for the corrections