The NO group of the coming referendum is marching. And so far it seems to be a big success. I could nto go because last week end I had to be in Caracas. I can tell you I am sorry I am not attending. But on the other hand, clearly the opposition did not need me to fill up the streets ;)
Maybe that is why Chavez talked to Stalin yesterday, to try to claim some of the credit?
The wonders of Blackberry and such other mobiles. Readers are sending images.
Reader 1 from somewhere around Chacaito, starting the Solano I think

Reader 2 from the Solano at around 2 PM. The day PODEMOS joined opposition marches!

TV also is giving spectacular images. A march as in the good old days of the opposition activism in Caracas! Well, Globovision, VTV is another story....
It is over but if more readers care to send me pictures from home tonight I can add them.
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This picture from El Nacional should be enough to convey the success of the day, where more than half a million people are supposed to have marched.

-The end-