They waited six years or so, behind bars, in a very long trial filled with vices. And it finally happened today. The judge made her sentence: to be against "the process", to be an useful goverment scapegoat in order to make the whole story about a coup d' etat fit, will cost them 30 years even. in jail. The only version of the April 11, 2002 events is the one the government holds and it looks more like propaganda than actual facts. In the meantime a major and a very important Chavez' rival, Rosales is next in line to hear from a judge the word the president has put in its mouth. Baduel, old Chavez friend who stood against him a couple of years ago has just reached to prison without a trial. My parents are talking non stop about how worried they are. The lunch conversation was mostly about visa and oportunities abroad. My boyfriend and I made the decision of taking the exams we need on this year and leave as soon as we are accepted somewhere. I wish there were something I could do, instead of making those plans but I'm not sure about anything anymore. I feel lost. I just know that the Revolution will bookmark this day as the day "justice was made with the imperialist and the coupers". But I will remember this day as the day Venezuela lost any track of justice until futher notice.
PS: I promise to write a better entry on this and other topics. Right now I'm tired and out of time. Its been said that you can write out of different part of your body: sometimes you write from your head, from your heart, from your soul... today - forgive me - I wrote from my stomach so excuses about all the mistakes you might find. By the way, there is not rest, don't click on the next link.
PS: I promise to write a better entry on this and other topics. Right now I'm tired and out of time. Its been said that you can write out of different part of your body: sometimes you write from your head, from your heart, from your soul... today - forgive me - I wrote from my stomach so excuses about all the mistakes you might find. By the way, there is not rest, don't click on the next link.