Far from me to recommend those readers who will vote how to do so, I merely want to let them know how I will vote.
The situation in my home state is dire. After the divisions of 2008 I am angry pretty much at all of them from having allowed a 100% hegemony in Yaracuy for Chavez. I was considering for a while that the least offensive of the lot, FOR Yaracuy, was Un Nuevo Tiempo and that it would be wise to vote for them to start the necessary extinction of Convergencia for whom I will never vote again if possible. After all, we need to wake up UNT interest and appetite for the state by showing them potential.
But following Leopoldo Lopez hard scrappy campaign everywhere in Venezuela, in particular very red areas, I decided that he deserved my support this time around. But get that! The CNE refused to allow Voluntad Popular on the ballot. So these ones proposed one card called Unidos Para Venezuela which is a generic card the MUD did add to its list as a concession to those who wanted a single ballot card, inherited from 2008 electoral tricks. It was the unloved child of the MUD and thus Voluntad Popular has started promoting it so that NiNi and chavistas could vote for the MUD without having to endorse any party. Perfect for me! I can send a message to PJ, and Convergencia that I resent their fights, a message to UNT that it need to put its act together once and for all, and I support Leopoldo since there is no way to know whether those votes come from Chavez bitter supporters or Leopoldo sympathizers.
Unidos Para Venezuela have a simple web site where you put your cedula and immediately you will know how to vote for the opposition through them in your circuit. Heck, there is even a Wikipedia entry!
PS: for the fun of it you can vote on the right. Maybe the PSUV machinery will cause an avalanche there?