So many questions......

Fidel decides (we assume he did) to prove he is alive by appearing in a picture with Elias Jaua.  So much is wrong in that picture......

Jaua was Vice to Chavez until a week ago. He is now running against Capriles for Miranda governor's mansion. Why would he go to visit Fidel, for 5 hours for a "work visit" when he should be running his campaign? Does he need Fidel to win there? Been VP for quite a while did not bring him enough notoriety in Miranda?

Why does Fidel receive Jaua to prove he is alive instead of Maduro (the heir-apparent) or Chavez? Was it just a prize for Jaua because he was Veep during Chavez reelection campaign? Why was the hotel manager in the picture? Why did Fidel wear a silly straw hat indoors?

WTF is going on? More on the succession war?

More importantly: do I need to care?